8 Crucial Steps to Renew Your Work Permit in Thailand

Published by Servane Guerin on

Renewing your work permit in Thailand is a necessary process for foreign employees wishing to extend their stay and continue working in the country. Navigating the renewal process can be time-consuming and confusing, with various legal requirements and documentation needed. To help you avoid complications and ensure a smooth experience, we’ve put together a detailed guide outlining the eight important steps to renew your work permit in Thailand.

Moreover, you’ll learn how partnering with Plizz can relieve the stress of the renewal process and guarantee a streamlined experience. Our professional assistance offers guidance and support throughout each step, ensuring your work permit renewal is completed accurately and on time. Read on to discover the essential steps for renewing your Thai work permit and how Plizz can contribute to a hassle-free process.

1. Assess Your Work Permit Renewal Eligibility

Before beginning the renewal process, take the time to assess your eligibility for work permit renewal. In general, you must meet the following requirements :

  • Possess a valid non-immigrant visa or a residence permit
  • Have an employment contract, job offer, or letter of employment from your employer
  • Earn a minimum salary, as outlined by Thai Immigration Bureau regulations

Ensure that you satisfy these requirements, as failure to do so may hinder or prevent the renewal of your work permit.

2. Assemble the Required Documentation

To expedite the renewal process, gather all necessary documentation beforehand. Required documents typically include the following :

  • Copies of your passport (information page, current visa, and immigration entry stamp)
  • 2 passport-sized photos (3.5×4.5 cm)
  • Your current work permit (original and photocopy)
  • Letter of employment or job offer from your employer
  • Company documents, including but not limited to a list of shareholders, VAT registration, and financial statements (as provided by your employer)

It’s essential to have all documents on hand, as incomplete submissions may delay or prevent the renewal process.

3. Certify the Documents

To validate the documentation for your work permit renewal, you will need to obtain certification. This is generally done at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Thailand. Bring all the necessary documentation, pay the required fees, and receive certification for your paperwork. Note that processing time may vary, so allocate sufficient time for this step.

4. Complete the Work Permit Renewal Application

Once you’ve collected and certified your documents, begin completing the work permit renewal application. Your employer can provide you with the necessary form, known as Form WP.5 .

Take your time when filling out the application to ensure accuracy and completeness, as errors may cause delays or rejection. Be prepared to provide the following information on the form:

  • Personal details, including your name, nationality, passport number, and date of birth
  • Employment details, such as job title, work location, and salary
  • Employer’s information, including name, tax identification number, and employment contract details

5. Schedule an Appointment at the Local Employment Office

With your application and documents in order, schedule an appointment at the local Employment Office responsible for issuing work permits in your area. You can schedule your appointment online or by phone. Be sure to select a date before your current work permit expires to avoid potential complications with your immigration status.

6. Submit Your Application and Attend the Appointment

On the day of your appointment, go to the local Employment Office with your completed application and required documents. Be prepared to pay the work permit renewal fee, which varies depending on the duration of your renewed permit. While there, you may be required to complete additional forms or provide further information, so ensure you have a clear understanding of your employment situation and job duties.

7. Wait for the Approval of Your Renewed Work Permit

After submitting your application and completing your appointment, you’ll need to wait for the approval of your work permit renewal. The processing time may vary, ranging from a few days to several weeks, depending on the office’s workload. It’s crucial to stay in regular communication with your employer and the Employment Office during this waiting period. This will allow you to address any issues or provide additional information as needed promptly.

8. Receive and Verify Your Renewed Work Permit

Upon approval of your application, you will receive your renewed work permit, either via mail or by picking it up in person at the Employment Office. Double-check all the information on your permit to ensure accuracy. If you find any discrepancies, contact the Employment Office immediately to have them resolved.

How Plizz Can Help Streamline Your Work Permit Renewal Process

Navigating the work permit renewal process in Thailand can be overwhelming without professional assistance. Partnering with Plizz can significantly streamline the experience and offer the following advantages:

  • Expert guidance through each step of the process, including eligibility assessment, document preparation, and application completion
  • Assistance with document certification at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Liaising with your employer to obtain the necessary company information and documentation
  • Scheduling appointments with the local Employment Office on your behalf
  • Ongoing support and communication throughout the entire renewal process

By working with Plizz, you can save time, minimize stress, and maximize your chances of a successful work permit renewal in Thailand.


Renewing your work permit in Thailand is a crucial yet complex task for foreign employees. Our step-by-step guide aims to simplify the process and minimize any potential complications. With Plizz on your side, you can further streamline and accelerate the renewal process, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.

Let Plizz’s expert services assist you in navigating the complexity of Thai work permit renewal in Thailand. Benefit from our knowledge and professional support throughout each step of the process. Contact us today to learn more about how we can make your work permit renewal a breeze, and explore our other services tailored to the unique needs of foreign employees and businesses in Thailand.

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